

Dea Kudibal - FØR OG EFTER


When we visited Dea, she had a great desire to organize her kitchen cupboard and create structure. We started by sorting and organizing her dry goods into storage jars and containers .

We also used our square and stackable storage glasses to optimize space in the cupboard. Dea was very happy and satisfied with the aesthetic expression and the better overview that the storage glasses provided.

To make it even more efficient, we added expiry date labels to all the dry goods, which helped Dea keep track of the shelf life of the goods.


We also helped Dea organize her fridge. We used fridge boxes to group meals, vegetables and cold cuts. We also introduced a rotating dish where Dea could place sauces, dressings and the like, which made it easier for her to see the contents of the fridge.

Dea is very satisfied with the result and feels that she has got a more optimized and organized kitchen space as well as a better overview of her things.

For Dea's kitchen we used the following products:

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