Lightweight wooden boxes

Letvægtskasser i træ

Our lightweight wooden boxes are available in four different sizes and shapes, and can be used anywhere in the home. All the boxes are stackable and practical in both cupboards and drawers, on shelves and tables and in all rooms. The boxes create a more aesthetic and organic expression. We ourselves love them because they have helped us get a better overview of our things and food products in the home.

As mentioned, they can be used all over the home, but here we come up with some suggestions:

  1. Use them in the children's room
  • It can be difficult to create an overview in the children's room because there is always a mess. That's why our lightweight wooden boxes are ideal for this particular room. The boxes can be stacked, which can create a system that even the little ones can understand. It also makes cleaning up easier for both children and adults. For example, you can use our box with an open front for the toy that the children play with most often, and place it at a height where they can find it themselves and put it away. The wide, narrow and square boxes can be used for the things they may play with less often, as these can be stacked and thus provide an overview, so you always know where the different toys are.
  1. Use them in the kitchen
  • You can easily lose track of cupboards and drawers when the goods are hidden at the back. Therefore, you often end up buying dry goods or food that you already have. By using our wooden boxes in your cupboards and drawers you get an overview of your goods easily and quickly. You avoid throwing away too much and thus reduce food waste. For example, with our box with an open front, you can also easily see what canned goods you have. In addition, our wide and narrow boxes create a good overview of, for example, onions, garlic and potatoes or other food items in your kitchen.
  1. Use them on the table
  • Our wooden boxes create an aesthetic overview and can therefore easily be placed in front of the table. Both in the kitchen, in the office or in the utility room, they work well. On the kitchen table for, for example, fruit and vegetables or other raw materials that you use daily. In the utility room for, for example, hats and mittens, so that you always have them close at hand before you go out the door. In the office, they are good for all the little things that you often have lying on the table. Here you can instead use a wooden box to create order and get a good overview.

It is only the imagination that sets limits in relation to the use of our wooden boxes, but here you got some examples of how we think they work well.

You can find all wooden boxes here .

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Dea Kudibal - FØR OG EFTER